Sorry, item "offcanvas-col1" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col2" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col3" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col4" does not exist.

Have any Questions? +01 123 444 555



Digital Keys
FLEXIPASS is the fastest and easiest way to your hotel room. The smartphone becomes a digital key and provides round-the-clock access to the hotel room.
Client: Flexipass SRLS
Year: 2017/2018

What has been done:

Our Service:

  • Backend Development
  • Frontend Development
  • iOS Development
  • Android Development
  • Beacon Integration
  • PMS Integration
  • API Development

Want to know more about us?
Here is a small selection of other projects we’ve done.

Digital Keys

Hotel access system with the smartphone

Arte in Pista App

The digital companion for your event.

Programming of multimedia totems

Interactive information about the menhirs

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